Inspire children to love learning through sound, story and movement.


Now Press Play


now>press>play is an award-winning, immersive audio resource for primary schools that inspires children to love learning by engaging them in the curriculum through sound, story and movement. There are 90 Experiences and 400 follow-on resources for the classroom. In each Experience every child is given a pair of wireless headphones. Immersed in sound, they become the main character in a story, meeting people, discovering places and solving problems on an educational adventure they’ll never forget.


  1. Unhealthy relationships can make children feel anxious and down, but it is hard as teachers to know what is going on or how to positively influence. When children learn how to have positive relationships, it sets them up for social, happier and more successful lives. Our KS1 Healthy Relationships Experience focuses on family dynamics and looks at who holds power between older and younger siblings, and how we can make these relationships kind. Meanwhile our KS2 Healthy Relationships Experience looks at control within a difficult friendship triangle – and when we need to stand up for ourselves and say ‘no’.

  2. Get children listening this Anti-Bullying Week (13-17 November). Our Anti-Bullying Experiences for KS1 and KS2 put children on both sides of the story, allowing them to recognise negative behaviours, as well as understand and feel their impact. Check out our blog on Anti-Bullying Week to take advantage of a host of useful resources.



Helping Schools during the Israel & Palestine conflict


Gender Equality Lesson Plans